
THE POWE REPORT: Grand Jury Petition Filed Against Murderous CDC, DHS, HHS Officials Who Manipulated Data To Manufacture, Exploit Pandemic

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(This is the first piece submitted by investigative journalist ALICIA POWE under her exclusive agreement with CONK! News, at, for THE POWE REPORT, posted every other Monday only on

(video is below) Experimental COVID-19 inoculations are a gene therapy. Not only do the so-called vaccines that have been mandated by governments across the globe injured and taken the lives of millions, but the mRNA technology alters cellular DNA within 6 hours according to a Swedish in vitro study.

The federal government is gearing up to mandate another round of compulsory gene modification injections, but lawmakers and a team of medical experts plan to hold perpetrators responsible for the deaths and exploitation of the pandemic accountable.

In an interview with investigative journalist Alicia Powe, Dr. Henry Ealy, founder of the Energetic Health Institute explains the power of the grand jury and how a grand jury petition he and two state senators filed to finally hold the predator class criminally liable.

More than 130,000 Americans have signed the petition calling for a Grand Jury Investigation into the corruption, fraud and willful misconduct of the wrongdoers.

Review and sign the petition here:

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Written by Alicia Powe

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