
THE POWE REPORT: Bizarre Hand-Sized Clots Found In Adults Who ‘Suddenly Died’ After Covid Vaccinations

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(video is below) While investigating the effects of experimental mRNA technology, DR. JANE RUBY, a pharmaceutical drug development expert with over 20 years of experience in regulatory processes for drug approval with the FDA and the EMA, discovered a shocking revelation.

While embalming people who had “suddenly died” after getting the Covid jab, dozens of morticians are extracting bizarre, hand-sized clots from their bodies within a few hours of their deaths.

Veteran mortician RICHARD HIRSCHEL, who decided to publicly disclose his findings on InfoWars last week, warns that the jelly-like structures that have the consistency of rubber bands were never found in dead bodies prior to the administration of COVID-19 “vaccines”.

Dr. Ruby discusses the details of her investigation, and new information obtained through FOIA requests filed against the pharmaceutical industry, with investigative reporter ALICIA POWE in this edition of THE POWE REPORT.

The Powe Report appears exclusively on CONK! News.

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Written by Alicia Powe

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