
Condom Nation

Sabrin Murray 2.26.18 04

Distinguished speakers Tom DiLorenzo, Mark Thornton, Wanjiru Njoya, and Murray Sabrin challenge prevailing economic myths and take a critical look at the US political theater, offering insights into how political interventions distort our economy. They move the conversation beyond partisan rhetoric and examine the way the government affects our lives and livelihoods. Presented in Fort Myers, Florida, on November 9, 2024.

Tom DiLorenzo’z pamphlet, Axis of Evil, is now available at the Mises Institute.

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Order a free copy of Rothbard’s money and banking classic monograph. Or, you can read it online here.

Latest op-ed.

Latest podcast on healthcare with host Johnathan Westover; Incentivizing wellness podcast with Bernadette Pajer; the Human Action podcast with Bob Murphy on my American journey; Joseph Cotto and I discuss Argentina and the US, and the Human podcast with Bob Murphy on healthcare; Robert Scott Bell and I discuss healthcare on the second hour of his podcast.


Murray Sabrin, PhD, is emeritus professor of finance, Ramapo College of New Jersey. Dr. Sabrin is considered a “public intellectual” for writing about the economy in scholarly and popular publications. His book, The Finance of Health Care: Wellness and Innovative Approaches to Employee Medical Insurance (Business Expert Press, Oct. 24, 2022), and his other BEP publication, Navigating the Boom/Bust Cycle: An Entrepreneur’s Survival Guide (October 2021), provides decision makers with tools needed to help manage their businesses during the business cycle. Sabrin’s autobiography, From Immigrant to Public Intellectual: An American Story, was published in November, 2022.

Murray’s Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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Written by CONK!

Sabrin Murray 2.26.18 04

Nostradamus of Naples predicted the Hunter pardon in July

Sabrin Murray 2.26.18 04

Recession watch, tariffs, and drones