Now you can hear CONK!’s podcasts from the last ten days as a live stream, wherever you go. There’s several ways you can access it:
- On our front page, and above
- On our live streaming page at
- Via the Spreaker Podcast Player app (search for “conk” in their Live section)
- By calling 518-906-1362
There’s a lot of great podcast apps out there, but the Spreaker app is the only one that allows podcasters to post live-stream, “radio-station”-type feeds. It’s also great in every other respect – which is why we highly recommend it.
Calling into our phone number is beautifully old-school: You don’t have to be connected to the internet to listen – so if your phone is paired to your car, you can listen to us anywhere you can get a cell connection. And if you’re paying for data on your phone, calling in bypasses that.